DECEMBER 2020 Cindy's e-newsletter: Whoops, I did it again!...
Yup, I’m supposed to be retired, but low and behold, I’ve written another book.
I'm so thrilled to tell you about the December 30th release of FATAL DECEPTIONS, book 5 in the suspenseful new BEHIND CLOSED DOORS series spearheaded once again by everyone's favorite suspense author, Debra Webb.
Click to read more.
JANUARY 2020 Cindy's e-newsletter: OMG – She's back...
Apologies and regrets that I've been silent for so long. I've had a lot of life happen in the last few years and writing has had to take a back seat.
That's why I'm so excited to announce the release of a brand new book, SNOW BLIND – book 6 in the amazing STORM WATCH series spearheaded by everyone's favorite suspense author, Debra Webb.
Click to read more.
FEBRUARY 2016 Cindy's e-newsletter: Taking Fire – the cure for February blues ...
Déjà Vu all over again?
Yep. It's February which means winter and snow and cold and wavering New Year resolutions – just like last year. It also means some of those Christmas gifts you received have long since been exchanged for the right size, or something else altogether, OR in my case, the gift has grown! No, not a plant. :o) A puppy. Whoot!
Click to read more.
FEBRUARY 2015 Cindy's e-newsletter: "Heat is on the way!" RUNNING BLIND is released!
Had enough of winter yet???
If you’re from the West, the Midwest, the East Coast or somewhere in between, I’m betting the answer is a resounding yes. Even our friends in the South have had their share of nasty winter weather as well as several places around the world. As I write this letter, it’s midday, the snow is deep on the ground, the wind is howling, and the temperature is still hovering around 0 Fahrenheit. Yikes.
Click to read more.
OCTOBER 2014 Cindy's e-newsletter: Autumn Surprise from Cindy Gerard!
Happy Fall Dear Readers!!
As you can see by the photo, I’m already celebrating the changing of the seasons. Wine anyone? Oh wait, that’s apple cider :o) Maybe….
Click to read more.
APRIL 2014
Ever wonder how Cindy creates her characters? Watch this Popular Romance Project's video interview where she tells all.
MARCH 2014
Watch this Popular Romance Project's video interview where Cindy talks about the small town where she grew up and how it contributed to her writing today.
MARCH 2014 Cindy's e-newsletter Charade, Renegade, Dream Lover
I’m back with some good news and a great deal.
First, I know that most of you associate my name with my New York Times best-selling action adventure romantic suspense novels. Before I started writing the Body Guards, Black Ops, Inc, and the One-Eyed Jacks series, however, I wrote a number of contemporary romances, some of them for Bantam Books’ much loved Loveswept line.
Click to read more.
Listen in this Popular Romance Project's video interview to how Cindy went from category romances to a NYT Bestselling author!
OCTOBER 2013 Cindy's e-newsletter The Way Home
There are certain moments in all of our lives that will be indelibly marked in our minds. Special birthday celebrations, weddings, holidays and many more. For me that first book sale was among them and now, my first hardcover release has me over the moon! Click to read more.
JUNE 2013 Cindy's e-newsletter When Somebody Loves You
I love summer. The sun, the songs … the watermelon :o)
And I love that this summer, on July 1st , WHEN SOMEBODY LOVES YOU – an anthology containing two of my classic Loveswepts – will be released as a double volume e-book. SLOW BURN and TEMPTATION FROM THE PAST were my first published novels and I’m so happy to have them available to my readers again in this special collection edition. Click to read more.
JUNE 2013
Ever wonder how Cindy's writing process works? Watch this Popular Romance Project's video interview where she tells all. But be warned: It involves chocolate :o)
JANUARY 2013 Cindy's e-newsletter Killing Time
I am so not used to typing 2013 yet. But what I AM getting used to is an opportunity to tell you about a brand new release in the very first month of what promises to be an amazing new year.
KILLING TIME, book 1 of my new One-Eyed Jacks series is available today, January 22nd, in e-book format. You should also be able to find KILLING TIME in mass market paperback format at your favorite paperback retailer starting today! Click to read more.
AUGUST 2012 Cindy's e-newsletter Worth Dying For
I LOVE a deal. About the only thing I love MORE than a deal, is passing on a great deal to my loyal readers. And boy, do I have a bargain for you. 
On August 7 – in the midst of this long, hot summer - my publisher is making 2 of my classic romance novels available in 1 e-book volume. That’s right. A BoGo!! Buy one, get one free – they just happen to be packaged in one gorgeous volume. Click to read more.
JANUARY 2012 Cindy's e-newsletter Last Man Standing
Okay – who stole 2011? Seriously. We’re almost a month into 2012 and I haven’t even made a New Year’s resolution. Well, maybe one: I hereby resolve to HOPEFULLY make you all very happy with the January 31st release of LAST MAN STANDING.
Yes! It’s finally here. Mean Joe Green’s book. And I have to tell you, this guy surprised me at every turn. I already knew he was wounded and sexy and valiant and … well, hero material, but I had no idea he was going to go rogue on me. Click to read more.
NOVEMBER 2011 SEAL Of My Dreams | Veteran’s Day Special Interview
JULY 2011 Cindy's e-newsletter With No Remorse
Hot. Sizzle. Burn. Yes, it’s that time again. It’s JULY and the long hot summer is upon us. You know what else is Hot and Sizzles and Burns? WITH NO REMORSE, book 6 of my Black Ops., Inc. series featuring the guy you’ve all been asking for … Luke – Doc Holliday – Colter. I’ve got to tell you – I had so much fun writing his story. It’s got action. It’s got adventure. It’s got romance. It’s got potatoes. Whoa. Potatoes? Well, yeah. You’re going to have to trust me on this, okay? Just have a little faith. Click to read more.
SEPT 2010 Cindy's e-newsletter Deadly Promises
Can it be? It’s fall already. When did that happen?
And when did September 28th sneak up on me? Why is September 28th special, you ask? Well, because it’s release day! And as promised, I’m giving you a heads up!
DEADLY PROMISES, a super hot, super cool (and yes, it’s possible to be both) anthology headlined by Sherrilyn Kenyon and Dianna Love, and joined by MOI ) and Laura Griffin hits the shelves at a book store near you on Tuesday, September 28th (you’re getting the picture, right?). Click to read more.
MAY 2010 Cindy's e-newsletter Risk No Secrets
Hello again, everyone. Hard to believe winter is finally behind us – what a rough one it was! Spring is in full bloom around. Love this time of year – all things new and wonderful abound.
Speaking of new, RISK NO SECRETS, Book 5 in my Black Ops, Inc. series, hits the shelves on May 18th! How’s that for new? I know, it’s been a long time since September when Feel the Heat was released. And thanks again, by the way, for placing yet another Black Ops book on the New York Times best-seller list! Click to read more.
Cindy talks LIVE about FEEL THE HEAT, book 2 of her New York Times Best selling Black Ops, Inc. Series. Catch the complete interview with comedian and author Renee Bernard of Canned Laughter and Coffee on on Blogtalkradio. |
10-1-09 Interview with Cindy at The Big Thrill
Cindy was happy to talk about Feel The Heat, her latest book in an ongoing series.
Tell us about Feel The Heat.
Feel The Heat is an espionage thriller that runs full throttle from the moment a national security threat is detected at NSA and launches the Black Ops Inc team into a race against the clock to avert a catastrophic disaster. . . . Click to read more.
9-29-09 Cindy's e-newsletter Feel The Heat
Yippie Skippie! It’s FINALLY here. I am so excited to tell you that FEEL THE HEAT is on the shelves as of Sept 29th. What a rush. Are we happy? I know I am and judging from the mail I’ve been receiving, you’re happy now, too, because you’ve been very patiently waiting.
My readers are the greatest – thanks again to all of you for putting SHOW NO MERCY, TAKE NO PRISONERS, and WHISPER NO LIES on the New York Times best-seller list. I’m still shocked and awed over that. You guys are the best!! Click to read more.
1-09 Cindy's e-newsletter Whisper No Lies
Happy New Year!!
First things first – thank you all for putting both SHOW NO MERCY and WHISPER NO LIES on the New York Times best-seller lists. Wow! What a thrill and I owe it all to you! You guys are the best!!
I hope you’re all having a wonderful holiday season. We’ve had a white Christmas here in the Midwest and it’s been chilly cold. To warm things up, WHISPER NO LIES, the third book in my Black Ops, Inc. series, will be released December 30, just in time to kick off the New Year. Click to read more.
Cindy talks LIVE about Show No Mercy, book 1 of her New York Times Best selling Black Ops, Inc. Series. Catch the complete interview with comedian and author Renee Bernard of Canned Laughter and Coffee on Blogtalkradio. |
11-13-08 How ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm? The New Yorker in Iowa
It’s been well established that I’m an Iowegan. Born, raised, live and love in the heartland. Sure, I’m allowed off the farm (in our case all 4 ½ acres of it) from time to time. I’ve traveled hither and yon and manage to conduct myself in a manner reasonably acceptable in polite company (picking up strange men in bars and Chippendale episodes not withstanding BUT in my defense, there were accomplices and extenuating circumstances). In short, I can handle myself whether it be hiking the jagged rims in the Grand Canyon or storming the brick and steel girded canyons of New York City. One might say I’m fearless. Click to read more.
10-08 Cindy's e-newsletter - Take No Prisoners
Yes. Really. It’s me announcing another new release already!!
I’ll make this short and sweet. TAKE NO PRISONERS, book 2 of my new Black Ops, Inc series, will be available as of October 21. It’s SOOOO exciting, especially since it comes on the heels of SHOW NO MERCY, a book that you, dear readers, placed in the #1 position on the Waldenbooks/Border Books romance list AND on The New York Times at #15!!!! Click to read more.
9-08 Cindy's e-newsletter - Show No Mercy
Hi again everyone!
I made a promise that I’d never send you a newsletter unless I had a book coming out. So … you know what this means, right? It’s been a long wait but it’s finally time! I’m so excited to announce that SHOW NO MERCY, the first book of my new Black Ops., Inc. series that I wrote for Pocket Star Books, is slatted for a special early release on September 23, 2008. Click to read more.
1-23-08 A little knowledge, Not always a bad thing.
We’ve posted several blogs lately about stress and fear and obstacles that get in the way of our productivity. All of us have different answers for dealing with these very real problems. Many are traditional concepts - some not so traditional. To that end, I thought I’d interject a little Feng Shui into the mix as another alternative. No. I’m not an expert. No. I’m not a died in the wool believer – that’s not to say I couldn’t be if I were to delve a little deeper into the art. But, I’m a bet hedger – so I figure, why not give it a try. Click to read more.
I had a unique and wonderful invitation to provide photos and
write a short piece about our family cabin on Lake Kabetogama in
northern Minnesota for the October 2008 release of CABINOLOGY:
A Handbook to Your Private Hideaway, edited by renown cabinologist
and architect, Dale Mulfinger. This delightful hardcover book is
filled with cabin photos, stories and just cool fun. Do check it
out if you have the opportunity. Click to read more.

Click to read Cindy's two full-length articles from COSMO, June 2005 and August 2006